Starting now the Proutist Universal Global Office will publish a quarterly e-newsletter called "Global Impact: Prout News and Commentaries". The purpose of this online publication is to share the work of Proutists throughout the world, learn about new programs and strategies, encourage PROUT commentaries on current events and topics, and deepen our understanding of theory and practice through insightful analysis.
We are very excited about our first issue! Proutists from around the globe—Brazil, Germany, Guatemala, India, Korea, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, USA, and Venezuela—have contributed their amazing experiences in the field. From Nigeria, we learn about how AMURT workers are effectively applying Prout strategies in rural areas. And our analysis section cuts through the smokescreen of austerity programs being imposed by global financial institutions on debtor nations and offers some Prout alternatives.
If you are interested in receiving this quarterly newsletter, please click on the following link and sign up: http://eepurl.com/bal2a1. We encourage you to share this link with other Proutists who would be interested in receiving this newsletter. We also invite you to contribute to our Spring issue coming out in April. For more information about the newsletter and how you can submit your articles, email globalimpact@prout-global.org.
Dada Maheshvarananda for the Global Impact Team